I'm using a RepositoryItemComboBoxEdit as in-place editor for one of the column in my XtraGrid. I assigned the repository item to the ColumnEdit property for this column in design mode. From backend I'm receiving a semi-colon seperated string with value (ex: "1,2,3,4"). On the ShownEditor event, I'm splitting this string and adding these as individual items of the repositorycombobox item as below
ComboBoxEdit cmbPO = gvDetail.ActiveEditor as ComboBoxEdit;
int currentRow = view.FocusedRowHandle;
string groupPoNumberList = detailList[currentRow].GroupPoNumber;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupPoNumberList))
if (groupPoNumberList.IndexOfAny(semiColon) >= 0)
} }}
All that I want to do is set the default value of this comboboxedit as the first item that I'm adding here. I tried using SetRowCellValue and set the value as the first value in LoadControl method, but it doesn't work.
Please suggest.