Ticket Q404917
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OracleConnection does not support parallel transactions

created 13 years ago


i'm using xpo to connect to an oracle database and execute some queries. I'm getting this error "OracleConnection does not support parallel transactions".

Here it is the xpo helper for oracle that i'm using

public static class XpoHelperOracle
private static string _connectionStringOracle = "XpoProvider=Oracle;Data Source=;User ID=myuser;Password=mypass

public static Session GetNewSession()
return new Session(DataLayer);

public static UnitOfWork GetNewUnitOfWork()
return new UnitOfWork(DataLayer);

private readonly static object lockObject = new object();

static IDataLayer fDataLayer;
static IDataLayer DataLayer
if (fDataLayer == null)
lock (lockObject)
fDataLayer = GetDataLayer();
return fDataLayer;

private static IDataLayer GetDataLayer()
// set XpoDefault.Session to null to prevent accidental use of XPO default session
// Se commento il session = null, allora non mi funziona il cambio nome colonna per le tabelle intermedie
//XpoDefault.Session = null;

XPDictionary dictionary = new ReflectionDictionary();

// initialize the XPO dictionary
dictionary.GetDataStoreSchema(typeof(Preordine).Assembly);//Basta solo una classe per assembly Q279523

//XpoDefault.ConnectionString = _connectionString;//da errore

IDataStore store = XpoDefault.GetConnectionProvider(_connectionStringOracle, AutoCreateOption.SchemaAlreadyExists);//oracle

// create a ThreadSafeDataLayer
IDataLayer dl = new ThreadSafeDataLayer(dictionary, store);

return dl;

any idea why this happen? thank you.
Note that i'm using xpo on a aspnet webpage.

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    the situation is unclear to mee too, becuase this error occur rarely. As i have understood the error is shown when a user is executing a query on oracle server and another one attempt at the same time to execute the same query(or another one).
    From research i have done over internet, it seems that, the oracle version i'm using does not not support parallel transaction that's why xpo shows me the error. A solution could be to open new connections and execute the query but how to do that?

      …how to do that with xpo?
      ps: I think 500 char for a comment are not sufficient.
      Thank you

      DevExpress Support Team 13 years ago

        This error may occur if a new transaction is started while another transaction is in progress. However, in our code we serialize queries and lock the provider while a query is being processed. Possibly, you are manually managing transactions in an inappropriate manner. Please elaborate more on what you are doing in your application and how. A small sample project reproducing the issue would be helpful.


        created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

        I'm not manually manging transaction.
        What i'm doing is cloning some xpo object from one session to another.
        Basically when a user click on save, i have to move some rows from SQL Server to Oracle.

        here is the code i'm using:

        Session SqlSession = XpoDataSourcePreordini.Session;// session from the grid
        Session oracleSession = XpoHelperOracle.GetNewSession();

        XPClassInfo preordineClass = SqlSession.GetClassInfo(typeof(Preordine));
        ICollection preordini = SqlSession.GetObjects(preordineClass, CriteriaOperator.Parse(Filter), null, int.MaxValue, false, true);

        CloneIXPSimpleObjectHelper cloneHelper = new CloneIXPSimpleObjectHelper(SqlSession, oracleSession);
        foreach (Preordine currOrdine in preordini)
        Preordine pers = cloneHelper.Clone(currOrdine);
        pers.ID_PREORDINE = currOrdine.ID_PREORDINE;

        foreach (Preordine currOrdine in preordini)

        // If i will not execute the following 2 lines of code that i get ORA-12516

        Here it is the class "Preordine" which represent a row moving from sql to oracle

        public class Preordine : XPLiteObject
        int fID_PREORDINE;
        public int ID_PREORDINE
        get { return fID_PREORDINE; }
        set { SetPropertyValue<int>("ID_PREORDINE", ref fID_PREORDINE, value); }

        int fNUMPOS;
        public int NUMPOS
        get { return fNUMPOS; }
        set { SetPropertyValue<int>("NUMPOS", ref fNUMPOS, value); }

        String fCOD_CLIENTE;
        public String COD_CLIENTE
        get { return fCOD_CLIENTE; }
        set { SetPropertyValue<String>("COD_CLIENTE", ref fCOD_CLIENTE, value); }

        //…other properties here

        // ctors
        public Preordine(Session session) : base(session) { }
        public Preordine() : base(Session.DefaultSession) { }
        public override void AfterConstruction() { base.AfterConstruction(); }

        here it is the class that clones the instances(from your kb)

        public class CloneIXPSimpleObjectHelper
        /// <summary>
        /// A dictionary containing objects from the source session as key and objects from the
        /// target session as values
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        Dictionary<object, object> clonedObjects;
        Session sourceSession;
        Session targetSession;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the CloneIXPSimpleObjectHelper class.
        /// </summary>
        public CloneIXPSimpleObjectHelper(Session source, Session target)
        this.clonedObjects = new Dictionary<object, object>();
        this.sourceSession = source;
        this.targetSession = target;

        public T Clone<T>(T source) where T : IXPSimpleObject
        return Clone<T>(source, targetSession, false);
        public T Clone<T>(T source, bool synchronize) where T : IXPSimpleObject
        return (T)Clone(source as IXPSimpleObject, targetSession, synchronize);

        public object Clone(IXPSimpleObject source)
        return Clone(source, targetSession, false);
        public object Clone(IXPSimpleObject source, bool synchronize)
        return Clone(source, targetSession, synchronize);

        public T Clone<T>(T source, Session targetSession, bool synchronize) where T : IXPSimpleObject
        return (T)Clone(source as IXPSimpleObject, targetSession, synchronize);

        /// <summary>
        /// Clones and / or synchronizes the given IXPSimpleObject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="targetSession"></param>
        /// <param name="synchronize">If set to true, reference properties are only cloned in case
        /// the reference object does not exist in the targetsession. Otherwise the exising object will be
        /// reused and synchronized with the source. Set this property to false when knowing at forehand
        /// that the targetSession will not contain any of the objects of the source.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object Clone(IXPSimpleObject source, Session targetSession, bool synchronize)
        if (source == null)
        return null;
        if (clonedObjects.ContainsKey(source))
        return clonedObjects[source];
        XPClassInfo targetClassInfo = targetSession.GetClassInfo(source.GetType());
        object clone = null;
        if (synchronize)
        clone = targetSession.GetObjectByKey(targetClassInfo, source.Session.GetKeyValue(source));
        if (clone == null)
        clone = targetClassInfo.CreateNewObject(targetSession);
        clonedObjects.Add(source, clone);

        foreach (XPMemberInfo m in targetClassInfo.PersistentProperties)
        if (m is DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata.Helpers.ServiceField || m.IsKey)
        object val;
        if (m.ReferenceType != null)
        object createdByClone = m.GetValue(clone);
        if ((createdByClone != null) && synchronize == false)
        val = createdByClone;
        val = Clone((IXPSimpleObject)m.GetValue(source), targetSession, synchronize);

        val = m.GetValue(source);
        m.SetValue(clone, val);
        foreach (XPMemberInfo m in targetClassInfo.CollectionProperties)
        if (m.HasAttribute(typeof(AggregatedAttribute)))
        XPBaseCollection col = (XPBaseCollection)m.GetValue(clone);
        XPBaseCollection colSource = (XPBaseCollection)m.GetValue(source);
        foreach (IXPSimpleObject obj in new ArrayList(colSource))
        col.BaseAdd(Clone(obj, targetSession, synchronize));
        return clone;

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            I have slightly modified the property DataLayer of the XpoOracleHelper to the following one
            lock (lockObject)
                                return GetDataLayer();
            and it seems faster than using a cached datalayer

              but i dont know if this could fix the error.

              DevExpress Support Team 13 years ago

                Wrapping the GetDataLayer method call within the lock statement won't lock data layer operations and cannot help in improving performance. I suggest that you use connection pooling to improve XPO performance in a multi-threaded application. Specifically, use the XpoDefault.GetConnectionPoolString method to create a connection string with pooling.
                However, the source of your issue is still unclear to us, and I do not know whether this approach will help you solve it or not.

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