Ticket Q330439
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ASPxTreeView - The ASPxClientTreeViewNode.GetText method does not return a node text if the node TextTemplate is implemented

created 14 years ago

   here is my simple code :
<dx:ASPxTreeView ID="treeView" runat="server" >
    <ClientSideEvents NodeClick="function(s,e){ alert( e.node.name + '_' + e.node.GetText()); }" />
            <dx:TreeViewNode Text="ASP.NET AJAX Controls" Name="Ajax">
                      <%# Eval("Text")%>

the question is why the node's GetText() return empty? is that a bug?


created 14 years ago

Hello James,
Thank you for your question.
When you create the TextTemplate, a node text html element is not rendered. You are fully responsive for the displayed text in this case. On the other hand, you can create any template that helps you obtain a note text. For example, you can modify your sample in the following manner:

<dx:ASPxTreeView ID="treeView" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents NodeClick="function(s,e){ alert( e.node.name + '_' + document.getElementById('div_' + e.node.name).innerHTML); }" /> <Nodes> <dx:TreeViewNode Text="ASP.NET AJAX Controls" Name="Ajax"> <TextTemplate> <div id="div_<%# Eval("Name") %>"><%# Eval("Text")%></div> </TextTemplate> </dx:TreeViewNode> </Nodes> </dx:ASPxTreeView>

Let us know whether or not this information suits your needs.
Best regards,

    Comments (1)

      Thank you Vladimir. that's good advice.

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